soil samples .org
Die Plattform „Bodenproben.org“ vereint künstlerische Projekte durch die Uwe Gössel der Frage nach den Grundlagen des Lebens nachgeht. In unterschiedlichen Konstellationen von Künstler:innen, Wissenschaftler:innen, Institutionen und Gruppen werden die unterschiedlichen Böden erprobt: die physischen, die ideologischen, die gesellschaftlichen und die zukünftigen.
Mit den Mitteln der Kunst, des Theaters und der Performance werden Qualitäten, Geschichten oder Zusammenhänge freigelegt, die zwar immer vorhanden aber nicht von alleine wahrnehmbar sind.
Zuletzt entstanden Arbeiten mit:
+ Henrik Adler https://www.institute-for-cultural-governance.org/henrik-adler
+ David Brandstätter http://www.s-h-i-f-t-s.org/de/about
+ Thomas Goerge https://www.thomasgoerge.de/
+ Mark Polscher http://www.polscher.de/
+ shifts-art in movement („Hansahood“ und „RIM#2-3“) http://www.s-h-i-f-t-s.org/de
+ Udei e.V. („Boden.Treff.Leipzig“ und „75 Hektar Wiese“) https://www.udei.de/
+ Naturkundemuseum Leipzig („Boden.Treff.Leipzig.“) https://naturkundemuseum.leipzig.de/
+ Stadtmuseum Berlin https://www.stadtmuseum.de und Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz, Berlin
(„Bodenproben Berlin“) https://www.berlin.de/sen/uvk/
uwe gössel.
Uwe Gössel is a freelance theater maker, dramaturge and author.
With experience and after years at permanent venues such as the Maxim Gorki Theater or the Berlin Festival, Uwe Gössel founded
2018 "Bodenproben.org".
This platform brings together artistic projects that investigate the fundamentals of life.
In different constellations of artists, scientists, institutions and groups
the different soils are tested: the physical, the ideological, the social and
the future ones. With the means of art, theater and performance, stories or
Connections are uncovered, which are always present but not perceptible on their own.
So far the following have been created:
2021: the site-specific project "Boden.Treff.Leipzig. The last 500 million years"
(Artistic direction, text and performance; together with Thomas Goerge , Niclas R. Middleton,
Mark Polscher , Annett Sawallisch, Bernhard Siegl and Brian Völkner) in collaboration with the
Natural History Museum Leipzig and supported by the Leipzig Theater (funded by the Performing Arts Fund
arts within the framework of reboot culture/takepart).
2021: The site-specific project "75 hectares of meadow {460 m above sea level. NN}" by Thomas Goerge, in which he was involved conceptually, dramaturgically and performatively in Hallbergmoos in 2021 (funded by the Performing Arts Fund as part of the new culture / takeplace).
2021: "Hansa hood. International art project for the neighborhood (Le Havre/Berlin)" as dramaturge and performer with the group shifts. art in movement, as well as Henrik Adler, Adrienne Goehler, Martin Kaltwasser and others in Berlin (funded by the Performing Arts Fund within the framework of reboot culture/takeplace).
2021: "RIM#3" in Le Havre with David Brandstätter and the group shifts. art in movement as dramaturge and performer.
2020: "Nomadic Home of Goerge Gössel" . Continuation of the artistic collaboration with Thomas Goerge (funded by the Performing Arts Fund within the framework of reboot culture/takecare).
2020: "RIM#2" in Le Havre with David Brandstätter and the group shifts. art in movement as dramaturge and performer.
His scientific-installative spatial art “Soil Samples Berlin. The last 12,000 years” was created in 2019 in the clb gallery, Berlin. Artistic direction and text: Uwe Gössel; with Wolfgang Menardi (space), Niclas R. Middleton (video), Mark Polscher (composition and sounds) and Bernhard Siegl (space).
He has also worked at the National Theater in Reykjavik (with Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, director), for Rimini Protokoll (Kammerspiele Munich: "Top Secret") and regularly with the group shifts. art in movement ("Feeding Back", 2019 and "RIM#2-3", 2020/21 and 2021 "Hansahood"). In 2019 he (together with Arved Schultze) developed the dramaturgy for the Bauhaus Festival at the Bauhaus Dessau.
At the Deutsches Theater Berlin (with Birgit Lengers) he led the international autumn camp.
From 2006 to 2014 he was director of the International Forum of the Theatertreffen of the Berliner Festspiele,
From 2002 to 2004 he was dramaturge and author at the Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin,
From 1999 to 2002 he was dramaturge at the Volkstheater Rostock.
1992 to 1998: Degree in aesthetic practice and cultural studies at the University of Hildesheim.
Jury activities for the LaFT Baden-Württemberg, theater meetings of the German-speaking theater schools and the Kleist Prize.
Teaching activities in Germany, Japan, Tunis, Georgia, Togo and the Ukraine, among others. Since 2020 he has been teaching digitally at the University of Tehran (together with members of the group Gob Squad and Rimini Protokoll).
Uwe Gössel is an honorary member of the Dramaturgische Gesellschaft eV, whose board he was from 2005 to 2021.
Uwe Gössel, widower and father of two children, has lived in Berlin since 2002 after working in Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Norway.